PDF JKUSA Constitution 2015 Jkuat
PDF JKUSA Constitution 2015 - Jkuat
JKUSA Constitution 2015 JKUAT Arusha Centre
WE the students of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
RECOGNIZING that we have a constitutional
right of freedom of assembly, Association and expression and thus capable of
joining this Association as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya.
RECOGNIZING that JKUAT as a Public
University plays a leading role in teaching, research and innovation and is an
efficient and functional institution that produces self-reliant graduates who
are trained to adopt ethical standards and best practices, as well as play an
effective role in harnessing the knowledge acquired to further develop the
country and the world at large.
RECOGNIZING the authority of the
Universities Act of 2012, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology Charter of 2013, and JKUAT Statutes
RECOGNIZING that JKUAT has set structures
regulating governance and management of the University and hereby abide to
respect the authority.
ACKNOWLEDGING that JKUAT is a diverse and
multi-disciplinary University with various Faculties, Schools, Centers,
Institutes, Colleges and Campuses all offering different programmes in various
ACKNOWLEDGING that the students in the
various disciplines have unique and diverse needs, and concerns which need to
be addressed, in order to foster the observance of the shared goals and ideas
of the University student community.
ACKNOWLEDGING the need to be responsible for
our own conduct and for the welfare of the University.
ACKNOWLEDGING that the values of
transparency, accountability and respect for the rights of students and social
justice must be institutionalized in one system of Association so as to ensure
that democracy is enjoyed by all students in pursuit of academic and social
welfare, peace, prosperity and integrity.
APPRECIATING that this Association is non-political.
WE the students of
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology hereby come together, in
free will to establish this constitution for the purpose of expressing our
ideas, beliefs, concerns and activities to the University.
WE further declare, adopt and bind ourselves and our
successors by this Constitution as the Constitution of the Jomo Kenyatta
University Student Association (JKUSA), and its guiding spirit in all matters
appertaining to it.
• "Associate member" refers to a member who has made
himself/herself a partner by paying a subscription fee as will be determined by
the JKUSA parliament.
• "Complimentary Member" refers to a member who co-exists with
the members of JKUSA but has no right of vote as a bona-fide member.
• "International students” refers to a student who is not of Kenyan
origin by birth as shown in the nationality registration as indicated in the
possessed passport or national identification of the country of their origin.
The group shall constitute students beyond the Kenyan borders.
• "Referendum" refers to the process of referring a political
view to the students' body for a direct decision by a general vote.
• "Special Meeting" refers to a meeting where two-thirds (2/3)
majority of its Members have not been realized.
• “Abuse of office” shall mean failure of person(s) to perform his or her
duties in line with the provisions of JKUSA constitution.
• “Act” shall mean the Universities Act No. 42 of 2012.
• “ad-hoc committee” shall be a committee formed by parliament on a
temporally basis to deal with a specific matter after which it shall be
disbanded on presenting a report of its findings in parliament.
• “AGM” shall mean an annual general meeting held by all members of JKUSA
as provided for in this constitution.
• “Association” shall mean Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology Students’ Association.
• “Charter” shall mean the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology Charter 2013.
• “CIOC” shall mean a commission formed under this constitution as provided
under Article 7.
• “Constituency” shall mean a unit of representation in the Association and
shall include a Faculty, College, School and Campus.
• “Deputy Governor” means Deputy Governor elected under schedule and
performing duties provided under third schedule.
• “Deputy President Administration” means deputy president administration
elected in accordance with the constitution and performing duties provided
under schedule 3.
• “Deputy President Welfare” means deputy president welfare elected in
accordance with the constitution and performing duties provided under schedule
• “Disability” includes any physical, sensory, mental, psychological or
other impairment, condition or illness that has, or is perceived by significant
sectors of the Community to have a substantial or long term effect on the
individuals’ ability to carry out ordinary day to day activities.
• “Effective Date” means the date this constitution comes into effect.
• “Ex- officio” shall mean a member appointed by virtue of holding another
• “Governor” means governor elected under schedule 1 and performing duties
provided under third schedule.
• “Internal auditor” refers to any student with the recognized accounting
qualifications who is not a member of the JKUSA Parliament.
• “Lead Commissioners” refers to the highest in rank student Electoral
commissioner in the Electoral Commission,
• “President” means president of JKUSA elected in accordance with the
constitution and performing duties provided under clause 1 paragraph 1 of the
third schedule.
• “Special Needs” shall be used to identify students with disability as
defined under Article 260 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya 2010;
• “Student” means a person who is registered as a student of Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology during a current academic year for a
first or higher degree, diploma, certificate or such other qualification or
course of the University as may be approved by the Senate as qualifying a
person for the status of a student, but does not include a student of an
honorary institution who is registered for examinations leading to the degree,
diploma, certificate and other academic award of the University.
• “The JKUSA Parliament” refers to the body comprising the elected
officials of the Executive, the Speaker and includes the representatives of the
Halls, Faculties, or any other representatives that may be determined by this
• “Unit” shall mean a unit of students’ representation and shall include
Faculties, Institutes, Schools, Centers, Colleges and Campuses. For purposes of
clarity a Faculty, Institute, School, Centre, College and Campus will be
considered as an individual unit. (The current existing units form schedule I
of this Constitution).
• “University Senate” shall mean the Senate of the Jomo Kenyatta University
of Agriculture and Technology as established under Section 22 of the Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Charter.
• “University” shall mean Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
• ''Academic Year'', ''Annual'', or ''Annual Meeting'' refers to and comply
with the academic year as per the University calendar.
• ''Annual Accounts'' mean the balance sheet; the statement of income and
expenditure; the statement of expenses and application of funds.
• ''Bona fide member'' means and includes only those persons who
have duly paid the non-refundable subscription fee.
• ''External Auditor'' refers to a certified public accountant who examines
the financial records and business transactions of JKUSA and that he/she is not
honorary with.
• ''Semester'' means a period of study consisting of sixteen weeks or its
equivalent in contact hours and includes University examinations.
• ''Statutes'' means statutes made pursuant to the Act of the University.
• ''The Constitution'' means the Constitution of JKUSA unless otherwise
• Words denoting masculine gender also refer to feminine gender.
Article 1: Name, Registered Office and Area of operation. ................................
Article 2: Objects of the Association.
.......................................................................... 9
Article 3: Membership.
Article 4: The Organs of JKUSA.
Article 5: Amendment of the constitution
.................................................................. 21
Article 6: Constitution Review
Article 7: Interpretation and Implementation
............................................................ 23
Article 8: Transitional Provisions …………………………………………………..24
Schedule 1: Nomination and Election process. .....................................................
Schedule 2: Association finance.
Schedule 3: Roles and Duties..
Appendix 1: General Meeting ...………….…………………………………………58
Appendix 2: Resignation and suspension from office.
.................................................. 60
Appendix 3:
Appendix 4: Code of Conduct.. ..................................................................................
Appendix 5: Dissolution, Impeachment and Right of Recall.
.................................... 63 8
Article 1: Name, Office and Operations
1) Name
The name of the Association shall be the Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology Students Association (hereafter known and referred
to as JKUSA).
2) Registered Office of JKUSA
The JKUSA head office shall be located at The Main Campus of JKUAT
at Juja whose address shall be P.O. Box 62000 - 00200, NAIROBI or such other
place the Parliament may determine.
3) Area of Operation
This constitution shall have force of law at all faculties, schools,
centers, campuses, colleges, and any other institutions of Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology as determined by the University
Senate. 10
Article 2: Objects of the Association
The objects of the Association are:
• To protect the individual and collective rights of JKUAT students;
• To foster observance of shared goals and ideals of JKUAT students;
• To promote, encourage and co-ordinate activities in the fields of
academic research, artistic development and professional talents, education,
research, innovation, strategic and development plans and services;
• To work in close solidarity with other students' Associations within the
University and to establish friendly relations and understanding with other
relevant Associations whose objectives are similar to those of JKUSA;
• To improve and preserve high academic standards in the University;
• To develop a sense of responsibility for the members’ conduct and for the
welfare of the University;
• To promote the awareness of diversity and multi-cultural aspects of the
students through interaction and supporting events that broadens the spheres of
culture, society and education;
• To promote gender and social equity, the spirit of unity, togetherness
and humanity among its members and the University Management, general public
and University Community;
• To be the voice of its members for purposes of advocating for the needs
and interests of JKUAT students through the principles of democratic
• Facilitate initiative among students, JKUAT students and members of other
Universities, Institutions and Associations with similar interests;
• To encourage continued cooperation among former JKUAT students through
the Alumni Association;
• To raise funds through lawful means for purposes of achieving the aims
and objectives of JKUSA;
• To distribute and publish a magazine or other publications in which
students can express their views, thoughts and creative talents;
• To carry out such other activities as may be incidental to the
achievement of the above objectives;
• To uphold the constitution of the student Association; and
• The Association shall practice the above aims and objectives independent
of any political party or religious Association.
• To encourage its members to abide with set rules and regulations of the
university and uphold community policing
These aims and objects shall be practiced without discrimination on the
grounds of age, sex, race, religion, creed, tribe, sexual orientation, disability
or medical condition, except that action may be taken to promote equality of
opportunity. 11
Article 3: Membership
• Eligibility
• Membership to the Association shall be open to all students of JKUAT.
• Membership to the Association shall be free from discrimination on the
basis of race, color, creed, sex, marital status, personal appearance, age,
tribe, religion national origin, political affiliation and physical or mental
• Membership
• Ordinary Membership
Ordinary membership shall be open to all undergraduate students in JKUAT
“Students duly admitted by the Senate who shall pay an annual subscription
fee of seven hundred Kenya shillings (Kshs. 700) or such amount as may be
proposed from time to time by Parliament and approved by the University
• Associate Membership
• Associate membership shall be open to all duly admitted Post Graduate
students of the University or any member of staff who is a student.
• Associate members shall pay an annual subscription fee of One Thousand
Kenya Shillings (Ksh.1000) or such amount as may be proposed by from time to
time by Parliament and approved by the University Senate.
• Rights, Privileges And Duties Of Members
• Ordinary members
An ordinary member of JKUSA has the following rights:-
• Right to vote in the Associations’ elections;
• Access to the facilities offered by JKUSA provided that such access shall
not be through unlawful means such as access by use of physical force to the
office, occupation of building or misuse of the Association assets;
• Right to take part in all activities and enjoy all facilities of JKUSA
without hindrance, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution;
• Right to Participate in the proceedings of the General Meetings;
• Right to elect or be elected to any of JKUSA leadership position unless
otherwise provided in the constitution;
• Right to be elected, nominated or appointed to be a delegate or
representative of JKUSA in any fora;
• Right to express their opinion in any proper and appropriate means in any
JKUSA meetings or any other fora where JKUSA has interest. Provided that
personal opinion may not necessarily represent the policy of JKUSA;
• An ordinary member has the right to access all relevant information
relating to the affairs of the Association including books and records of
accounts, audit reports and minutes of meetings in so far as such access shall
be reasonable;
• Any member may participate in parliamentary proceedings as a guest upon
seeking permission in writing from the Speaker.
• An ordinary member has the right to take part in all legal, valid and
legitimate activities organized and run by the Association for its members.
• Associate Members
• An Associate member has the right to access all relevant information
relating to affairs of the Association including books and records of accounts,
audit reports and minutes of meetings in so far as it shall be reasonable.
• An Associate member has the right to take part in all legal, valid and
legitimate activities organized and run by the Association for its members.
• Obligations of Members
• Every member of JKUSA is required to respect all the organs of the
Association established in the Constitution and their decisions.
• Every member is to abide and bind oneself by the letter and spirit of
this Constitution.
• Cessation of Membership
Membership shall cease where one:- 13
• Retires upon completion of the one's course of study at the University
apart from those who subsequently continue uninterrupted to the next level of
study at the University or voluntarily in the case of honorary member;
• For any reason, falls into arrears with his association fees for more
than one (1) academic year. The Executive Committee may, however, at its
discretion, reinstate such member on payment of the total amount of association
fees outstanding;
• Ceases to be a student on account of transfer to another university, or
death, or suspension for a period longer than six months; expulsion or
discontinuation by the University; and
• Where a member is disqualified under any written law or their continued
membership is deemed by the JKUSA and Senate as being in any way detrimental to
the Association or the University.
Article 4: The Organs, Composition and Functions
• The Organs
The organs of JKUSA shall be as follows:-
a) The JKUSA parliament;
b) The executive; and
c) Campus councils.
• The JKUSA Parliament
There is established a Parliament of JKUSA which shall be referred to as
the JKUSA Parliament. The JKUSA Parliament shall be the supreme decision making
body of the association, except for a decision that is made in a referendum. It
shall also raise issues that are of concern to its members to the senior
management team of the university/college through the President.
• Composition of JKUSA Parliament
The membership of the parliament shall be made up of the following:-
• The JKUSA Secretariat;
• The Executive Committee
• All campus deputy governors;
• All campus Secretary Generals; and
• Representatives from Schools, Faculties, departments, colleges, Halls of
Residence, Representatives and Outside Hostels Representatives.
• Functions of Parliament
The functions of Parliament shall be to:-
• Determine general polices of the association.
• Enact rules and regulations for JKUSA;
• Approve proposed budgetary allocations for legitimate members’
• Deliberate on and resolve issues of concern to the members; monitor and
discuss the events and decisions of the formal university decision making
bodies and to raise concerns of members to the student governors and members of
the senior management team to consider and propose amendments to this
constitution to be approved by the university senate;
• review the conduct of the officers holders of JKUSA and initiate the process
of removing them from office according to Appendix 5;
• parliament shall set and review allowances and remuneration of JKUSA
officials from time to time, in consultation with the University Senate;
• approve reports from committees, working parties and the executive
• approve financial budgets and reports from the executive committee;
• Establish special committees as provided by the constitution.
• ratification of committee members;
• carry out any other duty that may be incidental to performance of its
• to elect the speaker and the deputy speaker in the first sitting of the
JKUSA parliament; and
• Protect this constitution and promote the democratic representation of
• Procedures and Proceeding of Parliament
Subject to this Constitution, the procedures and proceedings of Parliament
shall be governed by the Standing Orders of JKUSA Parliament as follows:-
• The Parliament shall meet at least twice in a semester.
• The first meeting of association parliament shall be held one week after
elections and chaired by the president. This meeting shall also approve the
previous association’s annual report.
There is established a JKUSA Secretariat herein referred to as “The
• Composition Of JKUSA Secretariat
The Secretariat shall compose of:-
• The Speaker
There shall be a speaker of the JKUSA Parliament who shall be elected by
the members of Parliament from among persons who are qualified to be elected as
members of Parliament but are not such members.
The Speaker shall:-
• be the head of Parliament;
• be a Member of Parliament and perform all the relevant functions of a
member of Parliament under this Constitution;
• receive motions from members and communicate Parliamentary sessions as
provided for in the Standing Orders of Parliament sessions and call for special
meetings of Parliament as provided for under the Standing Orders of JKUSA
• declare a seat vacant for purposes of by-elections as provided for under
SCHEDULE One (1) of this Constitution;
• act as a link between JKUSA Parliament and the Executive;
• Be an ex-officio member and shall chair the meetings of the Secretariat.
• Subject to this Constitution, the Speaker shall perform any other duties
as delegated to them by Parliament.
The Office of the Speaker shall become vacant:
• when a new house of Parliament first meets after an election;
• if the Office holder, as a member of the Parliament resigns from office
under Appendix 2 or is impeached under Appendix 5.
• Deputy Speaker
There shall be:
• A Deputy Speaker of the JKUSA Parliament who shall be elected by the
members of Parliament from among persons who are qualified to be elected as
members of Parliament but are not such members.
• The Deputy Speaker shall deputize the speaker and perform any other
duties as delegated to him or her by the speaker and/or Parliament.
The Office of the Deputy Speaker shall become vacant:
• when a new house of Parliament first meets after an election;
• If the Office holder, as a member of the Parliament resigns from office
under Appendix 1 or is impeached under Appendix 4.
• Clerk
• There shall be a clerk who shall be appointed according to the standing
orders of the JKUSA Parliament.
• The clerk shall be nominated from among persons who are qualified to be
elected as members of Parliament but are not such members.
• The clerk shall:-
• be the secretary during Parliament meetings;
• be the head of the JKUSA Secretariat;
• administer the oath or affirmation of allegiance to the new Speaker in
the presence of the assembled House;
• publish the agenda of the House in the form of an order paper; and
• Conduct the counting of votes in the election of the Speaker of the
• Subject to this Constitution, the Clerk shall perform any other duties as
delegated to them by Parliament and/or the secretariat.
• Hansard Editor
• There shall be a Hansard Editor who shall be appointed according to the
standing orders of the JKUSA Parliament.
• The Hansard Editor shall be nominated from among persons who are
qualified to be elected as members of Parliament but are not such members.
• The Hansard Editor shall:
• Be the custodian of the JKUSA Parliament.
• Maintain and store the records of all the Parliament meetings.
• subject to this Constitution, perform any other duties as delegated to
them by Parliament
• Sergeant-at-Arms
• There shall be a Sergeant-at-Arms who shall be appointed according to the
standing orders of the JKUSA Parliament.
• The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be nominated from among persons who are
qualified to be elected as members of Parliament but are not such members.
• The Sergeant-at-arms shall:
• Maintain order and discipline during Parliament sessions.
• subject to this Constitution, perform any other duties as delegated to
them by Parliament
• Establishment
• There shall be an Executive Committee of the Association.
• The Executive power of the Association shall be vested in the Executive
• The Executive Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the day to
day operations of the Association.
• Membership
The Executive shall comprise of the following elected officials:-
• President;
• Deputy President Administration;
• Secretary General;
• Finance Secretary;
• Special Needs Secretary;
• Legal Affairs Secretary;
• Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary;
• Sports and Games secretary,
• Recreation and Entertainment Secretary;
• Academic Affairs Secretary;
• International Students Secretary;
• External Affairs Secretary; and
• All Campus Governors.
• Powers And Functions Of The Executive
The Executive shall:-
• be ultimately responsible for upholding the Constitution of the
• be responsible for the day to day running of the Association;
• manage the Associations' property with integrity, accountability and
• nominates members to the Associations' committees for ratification by the
parliament as provided for in the Constitution;
• Represent the Association in the University organs where the Association
needs to be represented. This representation includes and is not limited to
representation in the University Management Board;
• Facilitate the actualization of the objectives of the Association.
• Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Parliament.
• Meetings of the Executive Committee
• The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice in a semester in
ordinary session at a date and place to be determined by it.
• The President may convene an extraordinary session of the Committee.
• The President shall convene an extraordinary session of the Committee if
two thirds (2/3) of the Committee members make a request in writing.
• The quorum required for a meeting is at least three-fifths of the
members, including the President.
• Decisions made by the Executive Committee shall be communicated to the
Campus Councils within seven (7) days during the normal semester.
• Any member of the executive committee who fails to attend three
consecutive meetings of the executive committee without giving apologies to the
president, and does not provide satisfactory reasons acceptable to the
executive committee, shall be considered to have resigned.
• Election of Council Members
The Campus Council members who shall be elected at the campus level are as
• Governor + campus name;
• Deputy Governor + campus name;
• Secretary General + campus name;
• Finance Secretary + campus name;
• External Affairs Secretary + campus name
• Sports and Games Secretary + campus name;
• Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary + campus name;
• Recreation and Entertainment Secretary + campus name;
• Academic Affairs Secretary + campus name.
Campuses with a population of less than 1000 members shall have the
following officials as their campus representatives in their council;
i. Governor
ii. Secretary General
iii. Finance Secretary
The members stated above shall all assume roles of the other secretaries in
addition to their roles as stated in this constitution similar to campuses with
more than 1000 members.
The campus council for the main campus shall consist of all Executive
Committee members except the Deputy President-Administration and Legal Affairs
• Duties Of Elected Campus Officials
• The Governor shall be the campus representative at the Executive
• The Governor shall also be the campus representative at the JKUSA
• The Duties and responsibilities of the campus officials shall be similar
to those of the officials of the Executive, save that the duties shall be
limited to their respective campus only.
• Campus Committees
Each Campus shall have the following Committees:-
• Finance Committee;
• Sports and Games Committee;
• Entertainment and recreation committee;
• External Affairs Committee;
• Health, Environment, Catering and Accommodation Committee;
• Academic Affairs Committee;
• Social Welfare and Ethics Committee;
Article 5: Amendment of the Constitution
The constitution may be amended through the following ways:-
• Any Member of Parliament may propose an amendment of the Constitution by
bringing to Parliament for debate a motion to amend the Constitution.
• Any member of the Association may propose an amendment of the
Constitution by submitting the proposal through a Member of Parliament who
shall bring the motion to amend the Constitution for debate to Parliament.
• Parliament shall then pass motion by a two thirds majority of the
However the amendment shall only be adopted if such a proposal is supported
by 65% of the total JKUSA members.
The amendment to this Constitution shall be then be passed to the
University Senate for approval. 23
Article 6: Constitution Review
The Constitution shall be reviewed within a period of not less than five
(5) years.
The process shall be initiated if:
• There is a change in any University governing documents.
• Any Member of Parliament proposes to review the Constitution by bringing
to Parliament for debate a motion to review the Constitution.
• Any member of the Association proposes to review the Constitution by
submitting the proposal through a Member of Parliament who shall bring the
motion to review the Constitution for debate to Parliament.
However Parliament shall then pass motion by a two thirds majority of the
The following process shall be followed:
• An independent committee of experts shall be formed through a competitive
process to consist of; a Representative from each academic years, Special needs
representative, Two Satellite Campuses Representatives and a professional legal
• The Committee shall then submit a draft to the JKUSA members for a
referendum where it shall pass by a simple majority.
• The proposed draft shall then be passed to the University Senate for
Article 7: Interpretation and Implementation.
• This Constitution shall be read and construed in accordance with the Laws
of Kenya.
• There shall be a Constitution Implementation Oversight Commission (CIOC)
of JKUSA which shall consist of all members of the constitution review
• The CIOC shall;
• Have powers to hear any question respecting the interpretation of this
constitution and oversee the implementation of the constitution, and this
regard shall receive regular reports from the speaker of the parliament on
steps taken to toward implementation of the provision of this constitution.
• In the event of perceived ambiguity, imminent errors or any matter that
shall arise hindering interpretation, be called upon to give direction or
interpretation as may be necessary.
• Advise on whether any by-laws or policy made by the parliament is
inconsistent with or in contravention of this constitution
• Advise on whether any action by parliament or the executive council or
any individual member thereof is in contravention of this Constitution.
• Be charged with the responsibility of drafting the Standing Orders of
Parliament six (6) weeks before elections are held.
• Appoint the clerk of Parliament, Hansard Editor and Sergeant-at-arms six
(6) weeks before elections are held.
The Constitution Implementation Oversight Commission (CIOC) shall cease to
exist six (6) months after the adoption of this Constitution.
Article 8: Transitional Provisions
• This Constitution shall come into effect once it has been adopted by
JKUSA and approved by the University Senate.
• Upon enactment of this Constitution, the Constitution of The Jomo
Kenyatta University Student Organization 2009 shall cease to apply.
• Where under this Constitution Parliament is required to make rules and/or
regulations, the existing rules and/or regulations shall apply until such a
time as when Parliament makes other rules and/or regulations.
• All acts which have been constitutionally undertaken by the JKUSA
Constitution Review Commission including but not limited to the eventual
launching of this constitution shall be regarded to be valid under this
• The current JKUSO officials shall remain in power in transitional
capacity until new officials are elected under this constitution.
Nomination and Election Process
• The Chief Returning Officer
• The Dean of Students shall be the Chief Returning Officer.
• The chief returning officer shall be responsible to the University
administration for the good conduct and administration of all JKUSA elections.
• The returning officer may appoint assistants to support them in their
• Election Dates.
The election commissioners shall ensure that the election takes place in
the Last Tuesday of February each year. The dates of elections for the
Association officials, a copy of the election timetable and a copy of the
election regulations shall be posted on the university's notice-boards and the
university website at least three weeks before the elections.
• Election of the Campus councils
• Campus officials of the Association shall be elected annually by JKUSA
members within their respective branches in the Last Tuesday of February each
• Only ordinary members of the Association are eligible to contest.
• Requirements for candidacy
• Must be an ordinary member of the association.
• Must have cleared the University school fees.
• Not have history of mental illness.
• Be good role models academically and have never sat for a
supplementary examination.
• Must be in possession of certificate of good conduct from the police.
• Be of good conduct, and shall have not had a disciplinary record or have
pending disciplinary case.
• Be able to serve for a period not less than twelve (12) months.
• No candidate shall contest for election in more than one position in an
• The president shall have a running mate of the opposite gender, who shall
be the deputy president social welfare.
• The deputy president administration shall be from a satellite campus.
• All Executive positions shall be contested by students from the Main
Campus except the Legal Affairs secretary and the Deputy President-
Administration positions that shall be open ONLY for students from
satellite Campuses.
• The Legal affairs Secretary shall be from a Campus that offers Law in the
• Nomination Procedure
• A member will only be nominated and contest for one post only in an
election conduct at any particular time.
• Nominees for the candidates contesting for the President and Deputy
President Welfare positions shall be of opposite gender.
• Nomination for Executive posts should be at least 5% of the total JKUSA
membership, while nomination for other Campus Council posts should be at least
5% of the total JKUSA campus membership.
• The nomination papers for each proposed candidate must include the full
names, respective registration number and signatures of the proposers as they
appear on their University Identity cards.
• Nominations must be submitted at least three (3) weeks before the date of
• The names of all contesting candidates shall be put up on University
notice boards and/or the university website by the Chief Returning Officer,
after the nominations are completed two (2) weeks before elections.
• The Lead Commissioner shall prepare and post on notice boards a statement
showing the names of persons who have been disqualified, as provided in this
constitution giving reasons for any such disqualification.
• Where no candidate meets the nomination criterion, the Electoral
Commission shall extend the nomination period for the particular post.
• Once the election date is announced the outgoing officials shall carry
their day to day administrative activities in a Caretaker capacity until the
newly elected officials assume office.
• The members of the Campus Council shall be elected at representation Unit
level by simple majority of voters.
• A candidate may withdraw his/her candidature by notice of withdrawal
signed by him/her and handed at the place designated for the delivery of
nomination papers not less than sixty (60) hours before the election.
• The approval of notice of withdrawal shall be made public and signed by
the Lead Commissioner not less than sixty (60) hours before the election.
• The Chief Returning Officer shall post notice of the poll on notice
boards and also arrange for preparation of the voters register, ballot papers
and use of rooms, halls or stations and for a Returning Officer to be present
at every polling station.
• Appeal against disqualification shall be filed within forty-eight (48)
hours before an Election Appeal Committee that shall comprise the Chief
Returning Officer and Electoral Commissioners.
• Election Procedure
• All JKUSA elections shall be by secret ballots or any other agreed
method, simple majority system, on the principle of one-person-one-vote. No one
shall be allowed to vote by proxy or by mail.
• The Chief Returning Officer and the Lead Commissioner shall supervise the
elections with the help of Returning Officers, who will constitute the
Electoral Commission.
• Elections shall be conducted at designated rooms and halls of the
• The campaign period shall be two (2) weeks.
• Unopposed positions shall not be included on the ballot paper.
• For the purposes of these elections as provided by this Constitution, the
electoral roll shall be the University nominal roll.
• The Chief Returning Officer, the Lead Commissioner, the returning
officers and agents of candidates and their chief agents will be present during
the counting of ballots.
• No any executive position shall go uncontested.
• Grounds For Disqualification
Candidates shall be disqualified upon proof of:-
• Incitement of other students by the candidate to use violence, threaten
or ridicule any member of staff or students.
• Campaigners or/and candidates continue with the campaign when a member of
the Electoral Commission or a candidate has the floor.
• Procedure For Appointing Electoral Commission
• The chief returning officer competitively sources for a lead commissioner
six (6) weeks before the election date.
• The returning officer or the equivalent at campus recruits the
commissioner and the clerks for each campus.
• The Chief Returning Officer shall approve the nominees and publish their
names to all members of the Association.
• The Lead Commissioner shall chair the Electoral Commission.
• Role of Electoral Commission
The Electoral Commission shall;
• Maintain order during campaign rallies, polling, and counting of ballots.
• Form Appeal Committees in the event of contention of election results.
• Provide necessary and relevant information to contestants.
• Do adequate advertising for campaign rallies as deemed necessary.
• Shall oversee the nomination procedure.
• Voting Procedures
• The chief returning officer shall ensure that all members of the
association have access to vote.
• All members of the Association shall be able to vote for all the
positions as outlined in this constitution except the campus councils who shall
be elected by the members registered at that campus.
• All members of the Association may vote on production of a student
identity card or appropriate identification as decided by the Electoral
• A voting paper will be issued to each voter, which shall bear the
university stamp.
• Votes will be cast in sealed ballot boxes. Voting papers shall bear the
name of each candidate and the office being contested.
• Voting shall be by secret ballot.
• Counting and Declaring Votes
• The returning officer shall inform the candidates of the time and venue
of the count. The candidate or their appointed representative may, if they so
wish, attend the counting of the votes as observers only.
• The returning officer may be assisted in the count by a number of
individuals appointed by the Electoral Commission.
• Once the votes have been counted they should be kept for a period of
three (3) months in case of appeals against the result.
• Any decision as to what shall be designated as spoiled papers shall be
taken by the members of the Electoral Commission whose decision shall be final.
• Results of the elections shall be declared by the Chief returning officer
when the count for each post has been completed and any complaint has been
resolved to the satisfaction of the Electoral Commission. The announced results
shall then be endorsed by the candidates and the Chief Agents.
• Candidates may request a recount, but not more than three (3) times and
in not more than 24 hours.
• Disputes arising from the election shall be forwarded in writing to the
Electoral Commission through the Lead Commissioner within 24 hours after the
announcement of the winners. An Appeal Committee comprising the Electoral
Commission will consider appeals. Their decisions will be binding and
• A list of successful candidates will normally be posted at each campus
main notice boards and/ or university website within 24 hours of the
declaration of results. The Chief returning officer should send a copy of the
result to the university administration and the university libraries.
• The results will become official 48 hours after they have been posted
provided that no complaint has been lodged with the Electoral Commission within
48 hours.
• The election results for the executive positions shall be announced at
JKUAT main campus in Juja at the Assembly Hall or as may be determined by the
• In case of a vote tie, there shall be a re-run within one (1) week after
the election results have been announced.
• There shall be a swearing in ceremony of the executive within two weeks
of after election.
• Complaints
• Any challenge or complaint concerning the administration and good conduct
of the election will be heard and determined by the Electoral Commission within
48 hours of such a complaint being lodged by any full member or the candidate
or their nominee.
• Any complaint against the conduct or administration of the election
should be received by the Chief Returning Officer before the start of the
• A challenge or complaint during or following the count, must only relate
to the conduct of the count, and be lodged with the Electoral Commission who
shall resolve the complaint within 48 hours of it being lodged.
• In determining a resolution to the complaint, the appeal committee after
hearing all the appropriate evidence may not uphold the complaint; or may halt
elections for specified post(s) or disqualify specified candidate(s) if, in
their view, a candidate(s) has breached election regulations. The ruling of the
appeal committee on any complaint shall be final.
• Election Appeals Committee
• The Election Appeals Committee shall be composed of:-
• The Chief Returning Officer;
• The Lead Commissioner; and
• Three (3) other electoral commissioners.
• The Election Appeals Committee shall have such powers and duties as may
be provided herein and in particular shall:-
• receive written petitions against the results which shall be raised
within 24 hours of the election results being announced;
• hear oral and written evidence on the petition;
• uphold or nullify the election results as may be deemed fit by it, within
four (4) days and notify the student community of its resolution as soon as
possible; and
• Dissolve after new office holders have been inaugurated.
• By-Election
• In the event that a position falls vacant for any reason, the vacancy
will be announced by the Speaker of the JKUSA parliament through the
University/Campus notice boards, stating the reason for the vacancy. This is to
be followed by a full Executive meeting to discuss the vacancy.
• A By-election will be held within six (6) weeks of a vacancy due to any
relevant reason, any time but at least one (1) month before the end of the 1st semester.
• The rules laid down for the General Election shall govern the
• Handing Over Process
A meeting shall be held within one (1) week after the swearing-in ceremony
by the full outgoing Executive and Campus Council and the full incoming
Executive and Campus Council for purposes of formal handing over.
• Association Finance
• The funds of the Association shall comprise of:-
• Subscription from members;
• Donations, gifts and grants;
• Allocations from the University;
• Income from business premises duly approved by the University Management
• Such monies or assets as may accrue to or vest in the Association in the
course of the exercise of its powers or the performance of its functions under
this Constitution; and
• All monies from any other sources provided for or lent to the
• The funds of the Association may be used for the following purposes:-
• Recurrent expenses;
• Capital development;
• Operations and maintenance costs; and
• To facilitate furtherance of the Associations objects.
• Each student shall pay an annual subscription fee as stated in (Article
3) of this constitution.
• The student fund account shall be in the custody of the University
Finance Officer.
• Revenue
Any funds raised from students' activities organized by the Executive and
campus councils shall be reverted to JKUSA account, and appropriate entries
must be made in the JKUSA books of accounts, by the Finance Secretary, to indicate
such revenue.
• Expenditure
• The expenditures of JKUSA shall be approved in the first instance by the
University Senate on the recommendation of Parliament and expended on a day
to-day basis by the Finance Secretary with the guidance of the Finance
Committee, the Executive and in consultation with the University Finance
• Withdrawal from the students’ funds shall be made only against the joint
signatures of all the four signatories after approval of the JKUSA parliament
without alteration.
• Requisition of any money shall be submitted to the finance office through
the Dean of Students.
• Administration of such funds shall be carried out by the Finance
Secretary in consultation with the Finance Committee on behalf of the
• The maximum expenditure from the fund for each academic year shall not
exceed the total revenue for that year. a
• Thirty percent (30%) of the total subscription fees from all Campus
members of the Association shall be paid to the Executive and parliament for administrative
purposes and as a subscription to the JKUSA Development Fund. Seventy
percent (70%) shall remain with the respective Campus Councils for their own
administrative needs.
• Subsidies
Individual clubs and societies should be given financial subsidy. At least
three (3%) percent of all the Association finance at the Campus Councils shall
be set aside for subsidies. Such subsidy will depend on the need and shall be
handed over by the Finance Committee after approval by the JKUSA parliament.
• Bank signatories
Signatories to any withdrawals of the JKUSA accounts shall be the
• President of the Students' Association
• Finance Secretary of the Students' Association
• Secretary General of the Students' Association.
• The Dean of Students.
All the signatories MUST append their signatures on the expenditure
voucher as per the minutes of the Finance Committee approving the expenditure
and duly signed minutes of the Finance Committee should be appended to the
expenditure voucher.
• Annual Accounts
• In consultation with of the University Finance Officer and in compliance
with nationally recognized professional accounting procedures and regulations,
the Finance Secretary shall prepare Annual Accounts and present them to Finance
Committee which shall discuss and table them at the AGM after they have been
audited by the Audit Office.
• Such accounts shall be signed by the President and Finance Secretary and
in the absence of the President by another member of the Finance Committee.
• All financial records shall be kept by the Finance Secretary.
• Audit And Audit Report
• The Finance Secretary shall submit an up-to-date statement of accounts
and reports, indicating income and expenditure for each academic semester for
approval by the Parliament and publication at every 6th and 12th week of every
academic semester.
• The Finance Secretary shall ensure that all books of accounts are
submitted to two (2) internal auditors and one (1) external auditor, approved
by the Parliament, at the end of every academic semester for audit purposes.
• The Finance Secretary shall ensure that all books of accounts are made
available to any of the members of the Finance Committee, provided that a
written notice has been given seven (7) days in advance for inspection
• The Finance Secretary shall ensure that all books of accounts are made
available for inspection by the appointed auditors’ at all reasonable times,
provided that a written notice has been given seven (7) days in advance.
• The Finance committee shall submit one (1) qualified persons, as External
Auditors and two (2) as internal Auditors for all JKUSA books of accounts for
approval by the Parliament.
• The University Auditor shall at all times have access to books and records
of JKUSA and shall be entitled to receive all relevant information necessary to
complete the audit of JKUSA accounts.
• The University Auditor shall table their report at the AGM and shall
state in it whether or not JKUSA has kept proper books of accounts
• JKUSA Development Funds (JDF)
• There shall be a JDF which shall ensure equitable distribution of funds
to the campuses.
• Members shall be entitled to apply for the said funds through their
respective Governors for awarding by the parliament
• Parliament shall enact rules and regulations to govern approval process
as a mechanism of ensuring equitable distribution and accounting of the funds
by the recipients in compliance with the University Financial Regulations.
• Bursary
• Thirty percent (30%) of the total Association funds at the Campus council
shall be set aside for the bursary kitty which will be run by Social Welfare
and Ethics Committee in consultation with the office of the Dean of students.
• Only registered members of the association shall be the beneficiaries of
the bursary except elected officials of the association.
Procedure for the disbursement of the bursary:
• This process shall be conducted with transparency and integrity;
• All eligible members shall apply in writing to the Deputy President
Welfare/ Deputy Governors of the Association.
• The Deputy President Welfare to the Association shall submit all the
applications to Social Welfare and Ethics Committee and the office of Dean of
students for consideration.
• All successful applicants shall be notified in writing or through any
other appropriate means of communication.
• A list containing the names and registration number of the members
awarded the bursary shall be forward to secretary general and the Dean of
students for filing.
• Remuneration and Allowances of Council Members
• The payments of salaries and allowances of the Association officials of
the Executive Committee and the speaker of the Parliament shall be determined
by the Finance Committee and approved by the Parliament.
• The payments of allowances of all other Association officials other than
those mentioned in the above clause, shall be determined by the Finance
Committee and approved by the Parliament in consensus with the University
• The salaries and sitting allowances payable will be reviewed by the finance
committee from time to time subject to availability of funds.
• Other allowances such as travel and entertainment shall be determined by
the Finance Committee in consensus with the Office of the Dean of Students and
approved by the Parliament.
• There shall not be more than four (4) allowanced sittings in an academic
semester for the Executive and the Campus Councils.
• There shall not be more than two (2) allowanced sittings in an academic
semester for the Parliament and the Secretariat.
• The Executive
• The President
The president shall:-
• be the head of JKUSA and the Executive and shall, subject to this
Constitution, be responsible for all matters on behalf of JKUSA;
• be in charge of resource mobilization and income generating activities
and projects of the Association and shall prepare proposals for raising
finances and resources for the Association
• convene Executive and JKUSA meetings and shall unless incapacitated by
reason of illness or any other sufficient cause preside over such Executive and
General meetings in accordance with this Constitution and the JKUSA Standing
• sign the minutes of Executive and JKUSA meetings;
• be a co-signatory to all JKUSA cheques and other negotiable instruments;
• represent JKUSA in the university Senate and the University Council;
• call an emergency meeting of the Executive and/or Parliament PROVIDED
that the meeting of the Parliament shall be called through the Speaker;
• be a member of the parliament and in collaboration with the speaker
ensure that the decisions made by the parliament are implemented;
• compile a report on his/her activities for consideration at parliament
and deliver a state of the Association at the beginning of the semester; and
• Subject to this Constitution, the President may carry out any other
duties that may be delegated to them by the Executive or Parliament provided
that such duty or responsibilities are consistent with the University Act and
the Kenyan Constitution.
• The Deputy President-Administration
The Deputy President –administration shall:-
• exercise the duties of the president in his/her absence from office or in
his/her inability to act;
• be in-charge of gender affairs of the members of JKUSA
• perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the
• be the chairperson to the Student Welfare and Ethics committee of the
Association this shall include internal security matters;
• coordinate services required during bereavement of the member(s) of the
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• The Deputy President- Welfare
The deputy president- welfare shall:-
• Chair the campus council of the main campus in the absence of the JKUSA
• Perform duties specific to the main campus as may allocated to him/her by
the president
• Be the chairperson to the Student Welfare and Ethics committee of the
main campus this shall include internal security matters.
• Coordinate services required during bereavement of the member(s) of the
Association in the main campus.
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Be in-charge of gender affairs of the members of JKUSA in the main
• Secretary General
The Secretary General shall:-
• Take minutes of all Executive meetings and the Association’s general
• Subject to this Constitution, keep all records and documents of the
Association including keeping files, registers and minutes of JKUSA;
• Be the co-signatory to all JKUSA instruments and/ or documents utcontextusexigit
(as the context requires) with the President or any other officer as stipulated
under this Constitution;
• Subject to this Constitution perform duties as delegated to them by the
Executive and/or by the President;
• be responsible for the circulation of relevant information to the members
of the Association through notices and announcements;
• To prepare and circulate meeting’s agenda for all meetings apart from
parliamentary meetings.
• Represent members of the Association in the University Council and the
University Senate and
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• The Finance Secretary
The Finance Secretary shall:-
• Receive all monies paid to the Association and be responsible for the
Association’s funds;
• Accept subscriptions and donations in the name of the Association with
the approval of the Executive Committee;
• Shall ensure that accounts are made available to the students’ body every
6thweek of every academic semester through student email and University notice
• Shall be a co-signatory to all withdrawals from the students’ funds as
authorized by the Finance Committee;
• Shall submit an up-to-date statement of accounts and reports and printed
bank slips to the parliament indicating income and expenditure for each
academic semester for approval and publication at every 6th and 12th week of
every semester;
• Shall ensure that all books of accounts are submitted to one (1) external
Auditors two (2) internal auditors who shall be approved by the parliament, at
the end of every academic year for audit purposes;
• Shall ensure that all books of accounts are made available to any of the
members of the Finance Committee, provided that written notice has been given
to the Finance Secretary seven (7) days in advance, for inspection purposes;
• Shall ensure that all books of accounts are made available for inspection
by the appointed auditors’ at all reasonable times, provided that a written
notice has been given seven (7) days in advance to the Finance Secretary;
• Keep a detailed account of receipts and prepare a financial statement for
the Annual General meeting(AGM);
• keep records of membership dues; and
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Legal Affairs Secretary
The legal affairs secretary shall:-
• Be the JKUSA Secretary in charge of legal affairs;
• Represent JKUSA in all Disciplinary Committees of the University where
members are involved and the University Senate;
• Carry out any legal investigations or actions as may be mandated by
• Be co-signatory to all JKUSA Memoranda of Understanding, contracts, and
treaties and all other legal instruments utcontextusexigit (as the
context requires);
• Provide legal advice to the Association on matters of conduct or any
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Special Needs Secretary
The Special needs secretary must be a person with special needs.
He or she shall:-
• Represent the interests of students with special needs in the parliament
and executive;
• Be the representative of students with special needs in all university
Committees formulating and implementing disability policies;
• Be the chair and nominate members of the of the Special Needs Committee
as provided for under this Constitution, for approval by the parliament;
• monitor the college’s provision for students with disabilities, and bring
matters pertaining to implementation of this provision to the attention of the
association and the college;
• be a link between JKUSA and representatives of other special needs
Professional bodies;
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Academic Secretary
The Academic secretary shall:-
• in consultation with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
deliberate on academic issues;
• work with the Director, Library and Information Service in provision of
academic resources;
• Represent the members at the university senate meetings.
• chair and nominate members to the Academic Affairs Committee for approval
by the Parliament;
• participate in the planning, Association and management of academic,
social, counseling, career and work study programs;
• in conjunction with the president be responsible for dealing with
students’ Concerns, aspirations and problems in relation to their courses; and
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• External Affairs Secretary
The External Affairs Secretary shall:-
• Coordinate all clubs and societies activities in the University.
• Submit all report and budgets of all registered clubs and societies in
the university to the Parliament for approval.
• Shall be the officer in charge of public relations;
• Deal with current emerging issues;
• Establish and maintain contact with and provide information from
professional groups and external Associations that deal with student issues;
• Liaise with the President on the development of the college equal
opportunities policy;
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• International Students Secretary
The International Students Secretary must be an International student.
He or She shall;
• Be a link between JKUSA and all International students
• Represent International Students affairs in the Alumni and International
Students Association (ALISO);
• Attend all Executive, Parliament and Associations meetings unless
prevented by sufficient reasons made known to the President;
• Represent all JKUAT Campuses and centers located outside the Kenyan
• Carry out any other activity that is in furtherance and not limited to
the welfare of International students;
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Sports and Games Secretary
The Sports and entertainment secretary shall:-
• Liaise with the Office of the Dean of Students and the University Sports
Department to ensure members’ welfare in matters pertaining to sports.
• Develop Sports policy of the Association;
• Be the chair and nominate members of the Sports committee as provided for
under this Constitution with the approval of the parliament.
• Represent JKUSA in all University Sports Council and all Sports
Department Committees;
• Represent JKUSA in the management of the University Sports Teams;
• Initiate Programs, activities and events that nurture students’ talents
in sports;
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
k) Recreation and Entertainment Secretary
The Recreation and Entertainment Secretary shall:
• Liaise with the Office of the Dean of Students to ensure members’ welfare
in matters pertaining entertainment and recreation.
• Develop Entertainment policy of the Association
• Be the chair and nominate members of the Entertainment committee as
provided for under this Constitution., with the approval of the parliament
• Represent JKUSA in the management of the University Choir;
• Organize and publicize a variety of entertainment and other social
activities to reflect the interests of all sections of the student body;
• Initiate Programs, activities and events that nurture students’ talents
in entertainment;
• Organize and publicize a variety of entertainment and other social
activities to reflect the interests of all sections of the student body; and
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament
• Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary
The Health, Catering and Accommodation secretary shall:-
• Be the chair and nominate members to health, catering, and accommodation
committee for approval by the Parliament;
• Be a link between the Association and JKUAT Hospital;
• In consultation with the University management shall be a link between
the Association and health and accommodation stake holders and shall take part
in projects initiated by the University and the stakeholders;
• Coordinate activities in the event of members’ illness
• Initiate projects designed towards health and environmental awareness,
protection, conservation and sustainability; and
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President and/or Parliament.
• Governor
Each Campus Governor shall:-
• Generally articulate the special needs, aspirations and interests of
their respective Campuses in the executive and Parliament;
• In consultation with the Deputy President be in charge of resource
Mobilization for campus based JKUSA activities;
• Take part in all the other duties and functions of the Executive;
• Subject to this Constitution perform such other duties as may be
delegated to them by the President or/and the parliament.
• Deputy Governor
The Deputy Governor shall:-
• The Deputy Governor shall deputize the Governor for the respective
• The Deputy Governor who shall be of the opposite gender, shall be the
running mate of the Governor during elections;
• Exercise the duties of the Governor in their absence from office or in
his inability to act;
• Perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Governor;
• Act as the official internal affairs officer of the Association including
internal security matters;
• Coordinate services required during sickness and bereavement of the
member(s) of the Association; and
• Perform any other duties bestowed upon him by the Parliament and the
Executive Committee provided that, these duties do not violate the spirit of
this Constitution or are inconsistent with the respective duties provided for
other members of the parliament
• Duties of the Executive Committee
The Executive shall:
(i) Be ultimately responsible for upholding the Constitution of the
(ii) Be responsible for the day to day running of the Association
(iii) Implement the decisions of the Parliament.
• Manage the Associations' property with integrity, accountability and
The Executive Committees
All Executive committee members shall comprise of members of parliament
except for special needs committee, International affairs committee, the Legal
Affairs committee.
Working Committees of the Executive Committee
The working Committees shall be headed by members of the Executive
Committee. The working committees of the Executive Committee are as follows:- 46
• Membership
The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Finance Secretary of the
Association. He shall be the chairperson of all meetings except when giving the
financial report when a chairperson shall be elected. Membership is as
• President of the Students Association;
• Finance Secretary of the Students Association;
• Secretary General of the Students Association;
• University Finance Officer or his representative; and
• All Finance Secretaries from all Campus Councils.
• Duties of the Finance Committee
• The Finance Committee shall ensure that all the finances of JKUSA are
administered under a system of accounting recognized by the Association of
Certified Public Accountants of Kenya, with the supervision of the University
Finance Officer.
• The Finance Committee shall propose one (1) external auditor and two (2)
internal auditors to the Parliament within three (3) weeks after elections by
the students.
• To prepare a report and statement of accounts, indicating income and
expenditure for that semester for approval by parliament and publication at
every 6th and 12th week of every semester.
• Membership
Membership of this Committee shall be as follows:-
• The Legal Affairs Secretary; and
• Four (4) other members appointed by the legal affairs secretary and
approved by the parliament.
• The Legal Affairs Secretary shall be the chairperson of the Committee.
• Duties of the Committee
Duties of the Committee shall be:-
• Be advisor to JKUSA on legal
matters; and
• Carry out any legal
investigations or actions as may be mandated by Parliament;
• Carry out any legal
investigations or actions as may be mandated by Parliament;
• Provide legal advice to the Association on matters of conduct or any
• Membership
Members of this committee shall be as follows:-
• Sports and Games Activities Secretary (Chairperson)
• All Campus Council Sport and games secretaries.
• Duties of the Committee
• Keep detailed and exhaustive records of all sports and games activities
with the Director of Sports and Games.
• Convene at least one meeting at the beginning of each semester with the
Director of Sports and Games.
• Be the custodians of information from both the Director of Sports and
Games or Dean of Students regarding the total amount of funds available from
the activity fee kitty.
• Prepare a budget to cater for the needs brought to its knowledge within
the limits of the activity fee.
• Ensure that no sporting activity recognized by the University is
marginalized or neglected.
• Ensure that only registered members of a recognized sporting activity are
entitled to allowances.
• Inform the members of the Association within the first four (4) weeks of
every academic year the expenditure, in detail, of sporting activities of the
previous academic year. The expenditure shall be availed to an external auditor
for scrutiny as provided for by this Constitution.
• Examine sports and games problems that may arise in order to provide
practical solutions.
• Membership
Membership of this Committee shall be as follows:-
• Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary; and
• All Health, Catering And Accommodation Secretaries from all campus
• The Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary shall be the chairperson
and spokesman of this committee based on the advice provided by its members.
Duties of the Health, Catering and Accommodation Committee
• Be the custodians of all records of communication related to Catering and
Accommodation of the Association.
• Establish and maintain cordial relationships with Catering Department and
Accommodation Department, Estate Department, Health Service Department and any
other Departments within the University whose service affect the living
environment of members of the Association.
• Liaise with the University Catering Manager for the provision of
affordable meals to members of the Association within the University's dining
• Ensure all members of the Association receive valuable and quality
medical assistance from the University Hospital.
• In liaison with the Dean of Students Office, ensure that members of the
Association live in proper and habitable facilities.
• Ensure that no fully registered member of the Association lacks
accommodation and/or is marginalized in terms of Catering and Accommodation.
• Be the main consultative organ to the Parliament on any matter related
directly or indirectly to catering and accommodation of members of the
• Membership
The membership of this Committee shall be:-
• Executive Academic Affairs Secretary; and
• Campus Council Academic Affairs Secretaries;
• The Academic Affairs Secretary shall be the Chairperson of this
• Duties of the Academic Affairs Committee
• Maintain all records on Academic Affairs of members of the Association
made by this Committee before its tenure and during its tenure.
• Report any form of academic discrimination within the University to the
University administration and receive and investigate any such complaints made
by members of the Association.
• Ensure that no member of the Association suffers any form of academic
harassment for failure to respond to or any form of corrupt advances made to
any member of the Association.
• Organize a Public Lecture, seminar, exhibition or congress in
consultation with the University at least once every academic semester for
members of the Association.
• Ensure that academic facilities and service provided by the department
are easily accessible by members of the Association.
• Avail to all members of the Association the academic programs of the
University four (4) weeks before the end of each semester, with a reminder one
week before the end of each semester.
• Facilitate the orientation of new members of the Association in the
• Enhance civic education on student related University policy, provide
information on procedures and regulations on academic matters and the
Constitution of the Association.
• Maintain cordial relationships with the Presidents of Departments, Deans
and Directors of academic programs, academic advisors and academic staff.
• Be the main Consultative Organ to the Parliament on any matter directly
or indirectly related to the academic affairs of members of the Association.
• Be directly answerable to the Parliament on any matter directly or indirectly
related to the academic affairs of members of the Association.
• Monitoring the implementation of curriculum by lecturers in liaison with
the Chairman of Department.
• Attendance and participation in departmental and school board meetings.
• Membership
The membership of this Committee shall be:-
• Deputy President-Administration
• Deputy President-Welfare.
• All Campus Council Deputy Governors.
• Six (6) members co-opted from Religious groups and social clubs in the
• The Deputy President-Administration of the Association shall be the
chairperson of this committee.
• Duties of the Social Welfare and Ethics Committee
• Receive information on ethical and unethical conduct of members of the
Association and University staff.
• Resolve conflicts through arbitration and promote peace and harmony in
the University in line with the University core values.
• Recommend to the Parliament proposed penalties and ways of upholding good
conduct and ethics for members of the Association.
• Identify and consider financially needy cases within the student
population for consideration for financial assistance from the social welfare
• The committee shall be responsible for mobilization of resources towards
the social welfare kitty.
• Be the main Consultative Organ to the Parliament on any matter directly
or indirectly related to the conduct and ethics of members of the Association.
• Membership
The membership of this Committee shall be:-
• Secretary Special Needs;
• Six (6) members nominated by the Secretary Special Needs and approved by
parliament; and
• Three (3) of these shall be members with disabilities as defined in this
• The other three (3) members shall be nominated from the Parliament.
• The Secretary Special Needs Secretary shall be the chairperson of this
• Duties of the Special Needs Committee
• Be a link between JKUSA and representatives of other special needs
professional bodies, The committee shall also maintain the links for the
benefit of students with special needs
• Identify and address issues affecting students with special needs in the
relevant forums,
• Receive complaints from students with special needs and through the
secretary special needs air such complaints to the executive and parliament.
• Establish and maintain contact with, and provide information from, groups
and Associations which work on disability issues.
• Monitor the college’s provision for students with disabilities, and bring
failings in this provision to the attention of the association and the college.
The membership of this Committee shall be;
• Executive Recreation and Entertainment Secretary
• All Campus Recreation and Entertainment Secretaries
The Executive Recreation and Entertainment Secretary shall be the
chairperson of this Committee.
• Be the custodians of communication related to recreation and
entertainment events previously held or to be held in the University.
• Organize and host forms of entertainment approved by the JKUSA Parliament
and appropriate to members of the Association.
• Ensure that there is orderliness during any entertainment event organized
or hosted by this committee.
• Ensure that the Association's and University's property is protected from
damage during entertainment events organized by or hosted by the committee.
• Keep and maintain all entertainment equipment belonging to the
• Maintain an exhaustive inventory on all entertainment equipment belonging
to the Association.
• Submit all financial proceeds accruing from hosting entertainment events
to the Finance Secretary accompanied by financial documents in support thereof.
Such documents used for transactions should be endorsed by the Finance
• Prepare a financial sheet within the first two (2) weeks of every
semester showing the expenditure on entertainment events held the previous
semester as well as returns from the same events. The financial sheet shall
also indicate the amount of money deposited with the Finance Secretary.
• Collect from members of the Association recommendations or complaints
regarding entertainment within the University.
• Submit a schedule to the JKUSA Parliament two (2) weeks after being sworn
in on entertainment events it plans to host.
• Be the main Consultative Organ to the JKUSA Parliament on any matter
related directly or indirectly to entertainment of members of the Association.
• Be directly answerable to the JKUSA Parliament on any matter directly or
indirectly related to entertainment of members of the Association.
• Membership
Membership of this Committee shall be as follows:-
• Executive External Affairs Secretary
• All Campus Council External Affairs Secretaries
Executive External Affairs Secretary shall be the chairperson of the
II) Duties of the committee
• Identify and propose external links outside the University.
• Advice the JKUSA Parliament on all external links identified and proposed
by this committee.
• Establish and maintain all external links approved by at least two-thirds
(2/3) of all members of the JKUSA Parliament with voting rights, and submit
contacts of these links to the University Administration.
• Diligently keep copies of all records of communication with external
• Keep and update a directory of the Association with all addresses of
external links.
• Freely avail any information in its possession regarding contacts of any
external links maintained or previously maintained by the Association to any
interested member of the Association.
• Be the main Consultative Organ to the JKUSA Parliament during occasions
of enhancing the image of the Association, or repairing the damage suffered by
the Association due to any occurrence implicating it in the eyes of the public.
• Be directly answerable to the JKUSA Parliament on any matter directly or
indirectly related to external affairs and of interest to the Association.
• Organize community service activities in and around the University.
• In consultation with the Dean of Students’ office, prepare a list of
guest speakers to address the students’ body.
• All committees shall comprise of members of the campus council, unless
stated otherwise in this constitution. The roles of the committee shall be
similar to the respective Executive Committees in this constitution but
restricted to the respective campus.
Working Committees of the Campus Council.
The working Committees shall be headed by members of the Campus Committee.
The working committees of the Campus Committee are as follows:-
• Finance Committee
• Membership
The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Finance Secretary of the
Campus Council. He/She shall be the chairperson of all meetings except when
giving the financial report when a chairperson shall be elected. Membership is
as follows:-
• Campus Governor.
• Campus Finance Secretary;
• Campus Secretary General;
• University Finance Officer of the respective campus or his
representative; and
• Three (3) other members appointed by the Governor and approved by the
Campus Council.
• Sports and Games Committee
• Membership
Members of this committee shall be as follows:-
• Sports and Games Activities Secretary + campus name
• Six (6) other members appointed by the Sport and Games Activity
The appointed members above must be participating in a recognized sport
activity in the respective campuses.
• Health, Catering And Accommodation Committee
• Membership
Membership of this Committee shall be as follows:-
• Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary + campus name; and
• All Halls of residence representatives and the Non Resident
• The Health, Catering and Accommodation Secretary shall be the chairperson
and spokesman of this committee based on the advice provided by its members.
• Academic Affairs Committee
• Membership
The membership of this Committee shall be:-
• Academic Affairs Secretary + campus name; and
• Departmental, Faculty, Schools', Institutes' Representatives
• The Academic Affairs Secretary shall be the chairperson of this
• Social Welfare and Ethics Committee
• Membership
The membership of this Committee shall be:-
• Deputy Governor + campus name;
• Three (3) nominated by the Deputy Governor and approved by campus
council; and
• Six (6) members co-opted from Religious groups and social clubs and
societies registered in the University.
• The Deputy Governor of the Campus Council shall be the chairperson of
this committee.
The membership of this Committee shall be;
• Recreation and Entertainment Secretary + campus name.
(ii) Six (6) other members elected from the Campus Council
The Recreation and Entertainment Secretary shall be the chairperson of this
Membership of this Committee shall be as follows:-
(i) The External Affairs Secretary + campus name.
(ii) Six (6) other members from the Campus Council
The External Affairs Secretary shall be the chairperson of the Committee
• General Meetings
Classes of General Meetings
There shall be three classes of general meetings of JKUSA, that is
a) The Annual General Meeting, hereinafter referred to as AGM;
b) The Special General Meeting, hereinafter referred to as SGM and;
c) Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
• Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last Wednesday of
January every year. Notice in writing of such AGM, accompanied by the
Annual Report and Accounts and the Agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all
members in not less than twenty-one (21) days before the date of the meeting
and, where practicable, the notice of the meeting shall be advertised in the
JKUSA website not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting.
An AGM may also be requisitioned for a specific purpose by a request to the
Secretary-General by not less than three hundred (300) members and such meeting
shall be held within twenty one (21) days of the date of the requisition. The
notice for such meeting shall be sent out as stipulated in sub-article above
and no matter shall be discussed other than that stated in the requisition.
The AGM shall be chaired by the association President.
The Agenda of any AGM shall consist of the following:
• Confirmation of minutes of the previous AGM;
• Tabling of Annual Reports and Accounts;
• Presentation of the Auditor's Report;
• Consideration and adoption of Annual Reports and Accounts;
• Such other matters as the Executive may decide or as to which notice
shall have been given in writing by a member or members to the Secretary
General at least four weeks before the date of the meeting;
• Any other business proposed my members with the approval of the
• Special General Meeting (SGM)
A SGM may be called for any specific purpose by the Parliament through the
Secretary General.
Notice in writing of such meeting and agenda shall be sent to all members
not less than seven (7) days before the date of such meeting. 58
• Extra–Ordinary General Meeting
An Extra – ordinary general meeting shall be called for any purpose or
regarding any emergency by the president or in his absence the deputy president
(administration) in their absence, any other member/members of the Executive.
The quorum of the Extra–Ordinary General Meeting shall be those
members present at the meeting, provided that its decisions shall be subject to
the approval of Parliament.
Quorum for General Meetings except that of the Extra–Ordinary General
Meeting shall be 5% of the total JKUSA Members
1. Resignation and Suspension from Office
• Any official of the Association shall hand in his/her written notice of
intent to resign, one week before resignation to the Secretary General and the
Dean of Students. Such a letter shall also be copied to all Association
Parliament members. At the expiry of the seven (7) days’ notice, she/he shall
also publish a notice to this effect on the University notice board.
• Replacement of such an official will depend on the time of resignation.
The official will be replaced if a period of more than one (1) month is left to
the end of their 2nd semester after elections are held as provided for in the
Constitution, otherwise no by-elections shall held. The position(s) will remain
vacant if a period of less than one (1) month is left, in the 1nd semester
after elections.
• The Secretary General can resign by submitting a written notice to the
President of the Association. In the Campus councils the Secretary General can
resign by submitting a written notice to the Governor. The same procedure as
for the other officials will be followed.
• Any official of the Association can be suspended by the Association
Parliament. The Parliament shall form a Disciplinary committee to investigate
the official’s conduct and a report submitted to the members for voting. The
decision shall pass if voted by two thirds (2/3) of the members and the Speaker
shall publish a notice to this effect on the University notice board. Such
suspension shall be for a period of not more than two months.
• Referendum
• There shall be referendum, in which all members will be allowed to vote,
shall be held on any issue, if,
• A referendum shall only be held if a proposal is supported by 30% of the
total JKUSA members with representation from all campuses. However JKUSA
parliament shall pass the proposal by a two thirds majority of its members.
• The president shall call a referendum if they are handed a petition
detailing the issue and containing the name, course, registration number and
signature of at least thirty percent (30%) of all JKUSA members with
representation from all campuses.
• The chief returning officer shall be responsible for deciding the wording
of the question on the referendum ballot paper.
• The referendum shall be supervised by the chief returning officer.
• The result of a referendum will take priority over any existing
Association policy on the same issue.
i. Code of Conduct
• The executive committee shall draw up a code of conduct according to the
constitution of Kenya and the University Act which shall be approved and
amended from time to time by JKUSA parliament.
• All members of the association shall be required to adhere to this code,
particularly when on JKUSA premises, or attending events organized by the
• The code of conduct may include restrictions up to and including the
unlimited suspension of any or all of the rights of Association membership.
• Normal dissolution
The Executive, Parliament and Campus Council shall be dissolved
automatically as soon as the election date for the next Executive, Parliament
and Campus Councils is announced. However, the members will continue to perform
their day to day activities in a caretaker capacity. New elections shall be
held as provided for in this Constitution.
• Dissolution through vote of no confidence
• An elected official’s constituents shall have the right to recall an
official. A vote of no confidence may be initiated through a precisely stated
petition bearing the names, class year, and the signatures of at least two
thirds (2/3) of the members of the Association.
• The petition shall be handed to the Dean of Students within a period of
two (2) weeks of intended date of oust. The Dean of Students shall investigate
the allegations and may call a General Meeting of the students to discuss the
• At the meeting, the points of view of both the electorate and the
Executive or Campus Council member concerned shall be held before a vote of no
confidence is taken. The electorate shall then vote on the petition.
• The Executive or Campus Council shall then be dissolved by a resolution
passed at a general meeting of members by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the
members present.
• The quorum at the meeting shall be as for a General Meeting. If no quorum
is obtained, the proposal to dissolve shall be resubmitted, to a further
General Meeting which shall be held three weeks later. Notice of this meeting
shall be given to all members of the Association at least fourteen (14) days
before the date of the meeting. The quorum for this second meeting
shall be not less than a third of all the members. If the quorum is not
realized, the matter shall be resubmitted to a further General Meeting which
shall be held three weeks later. Notice of this meeting shall be given to all
members of the Association at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the
meeting. The quorum for this third meeting shall be the number of members present.
• On dissolution of the Executive or Campus Council, the members shall then
elect a stand-by Executive to take care of the student’s affairs until a new
Executive or Campus Council is elected into office.
• Impeachment
• Member of the JKUSA Parliament supported by at least two thirds of all
Members of Parliament may move a motion for impeachment of any member of the
Executive other than the Campus Councils:-
• On the ground of gross violation of the JKUSA constitution, the
Constitution of Kenya or any other written law; or
• Abuse of office; or
• Where there are serious reasons for believing that the official has
committed a crime under any other written law; or
• For gross misconduct
i. If a motion under clause one (1) is supported by at least two thirds of
all the Members of the JKUSA Parliament, the Speaker of the Parliament shall
convene a meeting of the Parliament to hear charges against the official.
ii. The Parliament may by special resolution appoint an ad hoc Committee
comprising eleven of its members to investigate the matter and report back to
Parliament within ten days whether it finds the particulars of the allegations
against the official to have been substantiated.
iii. The official shall have the right to appear and be represented before
the ad hoc Committee during its investigation.
iv. If the ad hoc Committee reports
• that the particulars of any allegation against the officials have not
been substantiated further proceedings shall not be taken in respect of that
allegation; or
• Have been substantiated, the Parliament shall after according the
official the opportunity to be heard, vote on the impeachment charges.
i. If at least two thirds of all members of Parliament vote to uphold any
impeachment charge, the official shall cease to hold office. The parliament
decision shall then be final and the speaker will submit the name(s) of the
member to the office of dean.
• Right of recall of campus councils
• There shall be right to recall Campus Council members.
• A Campus Council member(s) shall be recalled on the following grounds:
• Abuse of office; or
• Inability to perform duties assigned to him due to mental incapacitation;
• Gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, this Constitution and
any other written law.
• The procedure for recall shall be as follows:
• A member(s) of the concerned campus supported by at least two thirds of
the members of JKUSA from that campus can lodge a petition to JKUSA Parliament.
• Once the petition is received by the JKUSA Parliament, the Speaker shall
appoint a Committee of eleven members to investigate the allegation.
• The Committee shall report to Parliament the findings within a period of
seven days and may recommend that the Representative be recalled.
• The matter shall thereafter be subjected to a vote: if two-thirds of
members of JKUSA Parliament vote in support of the motion, the Representative
shall stand recalled.
• Right of recall of members of parliament
• There shall be a right to recall member(s) parliament.
• A member of parliament shall be recalled on the following grounds:
• Abuse of office; or
• Inability to perform duties assigned to him due to mental incapacitation;
• Gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, this Constitution and
any other written law.
• The procedure for recall shall be as follows:
• A member(s) of the Association supported by simple majority of the
members of JKUSA or students of the respective constituency gather 200
signatures can lodge a petition to JKUSA Parliament.
• Once the petition is received by the JKUSA Parliament, the Speaker shall
appoint a Committee of eleven members to investigate the allegation.
• The Committee shall report to Parliament the findings within a period of
seven days and may recommend that the Representative be recalled.
• The matter shall thereafter be subjected to a vote: if two-thirds of
members of JKUSA Parliament vote in support of the motion, the Representative
shall stand recalled.
• The speaker shall then forward the names to the Office of the Dean.
This constitution shall be read and construed according
to the laws of Kenya.
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